Useful Links

Useful Links and People we work with

Our Partners

Ynni Ogwen Developing community hydro in Bethesda, North Wales.

Partneriaeth Ogwen is a social enterprise working for the benefit of the economy, society and communities of Dyffryn Ogwen in North Wales

National Trust is working with Energy Local as part of its Bethesda project

Community Energy Dorset developing project in Dorset.

Repowering developing solar projects and raising energy awareness in Brixton and surrounding areas.

Bioregional working with us and Repowering

Cumbria Action for Sustainability working with us in Cumbria amongst their other projects

Ynnisirgar working on with us in Carmarthenshire.

The Green Valleys  working with us in South East Wales amongst their other projects .

Ecodyfi working with us and on other projects in the Machynlleth area.

Our Technical Partners

Connected Response developing the Consumer Access Device.

Megni working with us to develop the home hub system.


BEIS funding a number of our projects

Redress   one of our funders who supports projects to support the vulnerable and innovation in the energy sector.

Other links

Community Energy England Voice of community energy In England.

Community Energy Wales Advocating for community energy in Wales

Community Energy Scotland Advocating for community renewable energy in Scotland

Pure Leapfrog is the leading provider of social investment and professional support to community energy projects in the UK